Started this blogspot with my mandatory pregnancy belly bump photos.
Obviously, you can tell I am quite obsess with the growth of my belly bump.
I mean after all. I can only carry it for 9 months. and every day is different from each other day!
I skipped Week 22 because I was tired, sleepy during week 22. It was the week before school holiday, also have to complete some to-do list for students, also attending to various appointment like oral care appointment, klinik kesihatan appointment , hospital appointment
Also at night, some nights, I was too excited. Having so much in mind that I couldn't sleep until 1am. So I felt so lethargic on the second day.
Anyway, here come's the Week 23 and also it is a long weekend!
I was finally be able to travel back to my home sweet home Kemaman!
You can read more about my personal going back to Kampung Trip here.
Week 22 - Looking for baby's name

Week 23 Day 0 -Minum air gula(MOGTT)
Background knowledge about the MOGTT (taken from KKM)
What Is An MOGTT?
This is a test conducted after the patient has fasted overnight, typically starting at 10 p.m. the night before. A blood sample will be taken in the morning. The patient is then required to drink a sugary drink (75 gm of glucose diluted in 250 ml of water), and another blood sample will be taken 2 hours later.
Results Interpretation
Venous plasma glucose (mmol/l | ||
Fasting | 2 hours post glucose load | |
Normal | < 5.1 | < 7.8 |
GDM | >= 5.1 | >= 7.8 |
Why Is A Specific Diet Recommended?
A balanced and nutritious diet is essential to maintain good health in the pregnant women and a successful pregnancy. For women with GDM, a good diet will ensure that the blood glucose levels remain normal and generally this is the first step taken before initiating insulin injections. Attention should be given to total daily calorie intake and the choice of food consumed to ensure glycaemic control. The daily calorie requirement will increase by 300 calories during the second and third trimester. For example, if the total daily calorie requirement is 1,800 kcal normally (not pregnant) and the body weight remains stable, the total daily calorie requirement of 2,100 kcal will be required from 14 weeks gestation onwards till delivery.
Below are some suggestions for healthy eating that will help will glycaemic control:
- Avoid sweets and food with high sugar content (e.g. cakes, ice creams, junk foods, soft drinks, canned fruits, jams, chocolates)
- Take complex carbohydrates (e.g. cereals, nuts, peas, vegetables and starchy food)
- Take high fibre food (e.g. fruits, vegetables, legumes, wholemeal breads)
- Ensure a low fat diet, especially saturated fats (butter, fatty meat, cream). Choose thin slices of beef or skinless chicken
- Avoid oily and deep fried food
Do You Have To Exercise?
Frequent physical activity of moderate intensity can reduce the risk caused by GDM by increasing insulin sensitivity in the cells, resulting in better glycaemic control. It also helps in preventing other discomforts associated with pregnancy such as constipation, back ache and muscle cramps.
Walking, stretching and light weight lifting will help you sweat during pregnany. Start with 15 minute sessions three times a week, then slowly increase the frequency and duration of exercise at your own pace and comfort.
Take plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration and be alert when exercising during pregnancy.
The extra weight in your abdomen will shift your centre of gravity, increasing your risk of falling. Therefore, avoid any activity which results in body instability. Stop exercising if you suffer from any headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, feeling light-headed, palpitations, back pain, pelvic pain or vaginal bleeding.
Modified Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (MOGTT) aka minum air gula usually conducted around week 28 in Klinik Kesihatan. Althought it is written between week 24-28 in the KKM Portal (KKM = Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia)
Due to the increment of 1kg in 2 weeks. The doc from KK asked to get MOGTT . The result will come out 2 weeks later. Which is on the third week of June.
It was a Friday. Then I remember I had a full day schedule ahead.
8-11am - MOGTT at KK
12pm - Dental appointment
7 - 08.30pm - Giving lesson
8.30pm - back to my home sweet home Kemaman
I was so excited the day before as I can come back to Kemaman I couldn't sleep well the day before. Also I remember I had to break fast at 10pm the night before, No food and No drink .
I have to wait for 2 hours to pass before doing any blood glucose test, so I went back home and sleep. It was a good sleep cause I was having a great sleep deprivation the night before.
However, I had to wake up 30 mins later...... really annoyed by this. When my husband woke me up, I was actually very cranky, I even have the thought of giving up the troublesome MOGTT diagnosis if it wasn't for my baby. I woke up in the end without much hesitation because I have to make sure that my baby is healthy and fine, and also my effort of break fast, waking up in the early morning did not go wasted. It was not easy when you are so sleepy and cranky. Anyway, I survived.
The highlight of this post is to show that how people's motivation can really give people hope.
I was so cranky at the time when my husband woke me up. I actually wanted to lie back, then suddenly I felt my baby's kick.
It's like the baby encouraged me, asking me not to give up.
Week 23 -A Dad's thought
Not sure because it just a natural parent thingy or
my baby is a daddy's girl or
Pregnancy has also shaped my husband 's thought
WS said my baby is a SUPER POWER
which is to be able to summon him!
Maple: How does it work?
WS : She would be able to summon me the moment when she cries or mumble...
Maple: Then what happen if she cries just because she is hungry?
WS: (i forgot what he said already)
Anyway, I am quite touched by what WS said. I even feel that he would come home at once if I need him regarding any baby's matter. He would be a great daddy! and we both are so ready to welcome our baby girl!
Week 23 -A Mom's thought
I slept quite well yesterday. Too well that I don't feel any foetal movement in my tummy. I was awake in the midnight around 3.30pm , thinking why hadn't I feel my foetal movement at all?
I slept around 9.30pm on that night in Dungun, travelling on car for long journey, switching between hot weather and cold air-cond render me to caught a slight running nose.
When this happens, sleeping heals everything. So I slept early .
Back to the story...
So I was awake in the midnight, thinking why hasn't I feel any foetal movement..
then it leads to think in that direction...
Fortunately, after awhile, I felt the foetal kick from my tummy. At that point, I felt a huge relieve, and went back to sleep.
While doing that, I was thinking...
honestly, I don't think that my baby is so vulnerable, but I have been doing some actions that I not sure will hurt my baby in the womb or not. For instance,
1. squat down
2. bend to pick up things
Then after reflecting on all these...I realise that... wow..this is a mom's thing.
LIke your mom will just worry for you, worry for 100 things that could have happen eventhough you are doing well. I was has slowly shaped me into the motherhood or maybe mother's thought!
Week 23 Day 6 -Pregnant mummy is made of 99% of water.
Okay la, the percentage of the water might not be true. What I am trying to highlight here is that... I cried easier during the pregnancy than the normal time.
I think Iwrote about this before. But it's okay.
Yesterday, I woke up in the middle of the night. Thinking (or maybe overthinking). This doesn't sound like the usual me. Who would ever woke up in the night and do thinking...
Then I thought of something very dramatically sorrowful, and I cried ...cried so badly. Initially, I just wept quietly, but the more I think I about it, the harder I cried, then ...I cried so loud it awoke my husband.
This fella is very funny. He wants to comfort me, but he was sleepy.😴😴😴 He hugged me, I became calmer after awhile, then he said..okay I sleep first.
I was like....😒😒😒 , But I actually felt slightly better, then I went on to sleep already.
Now come to think about it, it could be the hormonal change in the body. Some times, on and off, I would wake up in the mid-night ....just like new born baby..... but it is true that the water percentages increases. ...Remember the amniontic fluid? It has water too!
Week 23 Day 6 -Swimming makes me feel better
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I really motivated when I saw people do read and make effort to comment everytime! TQ!