Somehow pregnancy makes me more aware of my health. I would go to
KK(Klinik Kesihatan)
Specialist Hospital
Hospital for Obs and Gyn
On average 1 time per month. This has taken up on average 3-4 days of mornings in a month, which also affect a bit of my daily morning routine.
Having to pay visit to health care centers for so many times in a month also makes me more health concious. I am so promptly to clear up my health to-do list, which I have ignored for sometime before pregnancy. (In other words, tend to spend more money on health, haahahah )
1. Oral Care: Gurgle with mouth wash twice per day
I gurgle with these mouth wash twice per day. I put them into the bathroom, and use it to gurgle during the shower time.
I actually have a pending Root Canal Treatment before pregnancy. I didn't actively go and follow up because it doesn't cause any pain to me. ..and I also I was busy with stuff.
But I am so motivated to get it done and close case during pregnancy because I don't want this matter to matter my pregnancy journey. LOL
Since I can't perform X-ray diagnosis ...even during the 2nd trimester, I can only delay
1. Root Canal Treatment
2. Wisdom tooth extraction
to post delivery.
In the meantime, my sister who is a dentist and also the dentist in my area also told me to gurgle diligently to prevent it from getting worse.
After that,I decided that I will perform the following annually
Oral care anual to do list
1. Oral check up
2. Scaling and polishing
3. To maintain my current gurgle habit
2a. Stretch mark cream
A lot of my friends , experienced or non-experienced also reminds me to apply strech mark cream daily. I only started to apply it diligently during the second trimester. Towards the end of 2nd trimester, I actually feel the belly itchiness

Stretch mark cream
Left: I have had it before pregnancy
Right:Given by my dearest June! It is an organic baby massage oil and it smells so pleasant. Like chocolate.
Never would I thought I would care about my pregnancy to this extend, hahaha. Before pregnancy, I would always thought that this precaution is very extra, but as much as Idrink water, stay hydrated, you still need to apply stretch mark cream whether your belly got stretch mark or not.
Browse more XHS (Xiao Hong Shu) , then you will know why.

As mentioned, aside from staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water. I also realise my skin gets drier. Also I switch to this body moisturing cream. After one week of usage, it doesn't make my skin better also... It did my skin smell like fragrance. Period
2b. Cream for belly/butts itchiness
On aver
My butts are itchy on and off during the 1st trimester.
Went to TCM, and the Sin Seh recommend this, 皮炎平。
Quite effective in curing the itchiness.
I bought 3 tubes of this already.

You can get it from your local Chinese Herbal/Pharmacy Shop also. This is a very common ointment.
Sorles Cream : To stop belly itchiness
A tube of the Sorles Cream cost around Rm 70 in Healthlane pharmacy , which I dont think I will use up. So the pharmacist recommended the small size in the white container to me.
I bought it for Rm 18 in the Healthlane pharmacy (June 2022)
3. Swimming
Argh...The best remedy. I didn't realise I would appreciate swimming so much !
I don't really like to go to pool swimming before this because I still have to change, and shower and after swimming....shower and bath again, which feel like so much steps for me.
However, I can't longer stand the suffer like inflexibility in movement, and the belly's weight which affeect my daily movement I decided to go and stretch my muscles in the water. The water buoyancy makes all the stretching much easier!
See, I am so delighted , so in the great mood during the swimming. I can chill my mind off and be able to think more productively.
and more文艺, artsy, haha.
Do you see the moon in the blue morning sky? I get to relax and appreciate nature things by making a slight change in my daily routine. It feels so refreshing. Sometimes, it feels like a holiday to me.
And it only takes 30 mins, then straight away
Go home
Taking shower
Feeling refreshed
Start my brand new day.
I feel so refreshing, energised and anticipate for the next swimming again!
Also enjoy obsess with my belly/lovely baby!
4. Warm Footbath
As my arms and thigh and calf will feel numb on and off, esp during /after sleeping . So I resort to this.
5. Only during the pregnancy : Taking prenantal vitamins/supplements
TBH, I still feel that this is very troublesome.
Taking prenantal vitamins because I want to make sure that my baby is healthy. Period.
So I am not going to continue this habit after delivery.
Obviously, you can see that I bought from Watson. I use the not-so-big medicine box so that I can fit it into my small handbag.
Having this medicine box literally makes my life more organised and I won't forget eating variety of different pills because I have sort it out every 5 days.