July 4, 2023

Things that I wish to tell my younger self

 The 3C : Consistent  | Commitment | Concious

Compare to my current state of mind, of course I have gained more maturity then me 10 years ago. 

I realised some of the mindset of young adults nowadays are quite mature, and long-sighted 

I wish I could have this long vision back then. 

Back then I was a happy go lucky person.  Whenever I have to make decision related to my future. I don't think about the long term outcome. I choose it purely based on my preference. 

If I dont like it, then I would switch. So there's never a long term commitment in there. 

So far...I think one thing that I have been doing it consistently ...up until now... is blogging. 

If you are into the social media...

BLogging is consider quite outdated. 

People would usually turn into motion picture = video like Youtube, Xiao Hong Shu to get information. but sometimes...some thought is best expressed perfectly in text form, which is why I still keep blogging. 

Anyway, now Isee that my younger self has lesser commitment and consistent, because I was not trained to have that long term commitment mind...and therefore..less responsible and less consistent. 

Back then...Iguess my parents just want me to live a happy, care-free life that it's okay if I just wanna stop dancing class or piano class.   

Now, I learn that being commited and consistent are keys to cuiltivate small yet significant healthy habit which will lead to a successful lifestyle . I could imagine that if I have been doing something consistently in the right direction, it would be a very great snowball effect, compounding to a bigger changes day by day.  

Be Consistent also means being discipline in a sense. 

I admit that my discline is inconsistent. It depends on my motivation and my mood of the day. 

But after journal this down, I wish that I would be stay consistent. 

What I mean is...

I wish that I would be able to do the same things repeated action ...which could be boring... 

That means, showing up on the day even when I dont feel like it. 

For example, 

If I have been doing dancing since secondary level until now. I could be a very  professional dancer. That's the way I see it. 

So from now onwards, whenever I pick up something new... for example... like aerial yoga, kpop dance...

or even in terms of my career, 

getting a new tuition job...I will do it for long term .... not rushing, but cultivate the small habit, and do it consistently with great commitment. 

Conciousness --- aka Be Mindful  

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I really motivated when I saw people do read and make effort to comment everytime! TQ!