December 9, 2019


# 1 
Spare time for your love ones

I received 2 news about friends/ lecturer had pass away in 3 days


I got so many invitation of friends/cousin getting married, and invitation for their wedding banquet. 

I already got used to this logic, that friends/people whom we do not meet for long time only manage to catch up during the funeral or during the wedding banquet of our mutual friends/relatives.

I am unwilling to accept this. But REALITY HITS. especially now that people at our age are working so hard to earn their bread and butter, achieving their dream.

I only hope that after all the effort, time, sweat and tears that we pour into building our career, I can still spend time with people who I care and love.


The first bouquet of condolence stand that I'd given to pay respect for my beloved lecturer. Previously, my experience  is to give baijin (白金) , money that is used by the family of the deceased to cover the funeral expenses. 

# 2 

THis is the image that I've seen for like 10 years, which my dad has been driving us around , commuting in a family-size fitted motorcar. and my dad is the driver. He is still IS. Now that I am married, I am not sure when will I be seeing this image again.

I am glad that all the 5 of us (the siblings) can help my parents to drive the car. As long as all of us stick together, it doesn't matter who drive, as long as I can still stick with them , I would be proud if I can take care of them.

# 3 
Unindentified Thumbprint

The security system in this IT days has developed by leaps and bounds. Whenever you need to apply for a new bank account, apply for a new passport, apply for a new IC. A unique thumbprint of yourself will do. 

Sadly this way of identity verifiation doesn't favour  me. Having no thumbprint has turned me into a person unidentified, a person without identity. Fortunately, I am just unidentified in terms of THUMBPRINT IDENTITY VERIFICATION SYSTEM. 

Of course I am a bit frustrated because of this. Things that are easy for many of the people has become very meticulous/troublesome for me. 

1. Cannot register for a new bank account.
When I want to open a new bank account, the bank would not approve my application, simply because I have no thumbprint.

So I can only maintain my existing bank account which I have previously.

2. Continue no 1, which means when there is any special FD promotion from a new bank, I couldn't open a FD account with the bank. Sometimes, I just wander why things that by be done by others which is just 2 steps (IC, thumbprint) , completeD has been so difficult for me.

3. Custom passport checking. 
It means I could never go through the auto-gate, where your validity/ identity will be scanned by the pre-set system. I could only go through manual custom checkpoint where the queue can be tremendously long if it was during the travel peak season.

Reminder: Go to airport 15 mins earlier than the normal person because there will be 15 mins extra spent at custom passport clearance checkpoint. 

Just during the recent Singapore trip it happened that when I was passing through Singapore clearance checkpoint, the officer would questions me. 

When was the last time you travel to Singapore? 

New passport ar? 

Where have you BEEN HIDING for the past few years? 

He questioned me like I am a suspicious criminal which I do understand why (Singapore has never been easy in terms of monitoring / identity checking or anything ) , but at the same time, it annoys me.

This post serves to remind me the reasons why do I need to maintain the best condition of my skin, so that my thumbprint will always be there. Even when the thumbprints appear, it can still disappear in few weeks later. just maintain my best healthy only la. 
Also, bring the surat JPN everywhere I go &
ask Bank Negara if there is any way for people without thumbprint like me can do. 
(I couldnt open any new bank account because all the rules for identification verification systems for all the banks are the same, which is closely monitored/instructed by Bank Negara.)

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