First day
Objektif:To identify how does the temperature affect the rate of enzyme activity.
contanst variable: same amount of starch and amylase and iodine as well
manipulated : the temperature of water bath(0, 20, 37, 50,65 degree celcius)
responding : the presence of starch
Discussion : when starch is present,iodine will change from yellowish to blue.
- iodine will remain yellow when starch is dehydrolysis.(ie when amylase is digest stach ady)
- iodine will change to blue when amylase is denatured
Hypothesis: 1. at o .c , the enzyme is present,but it can't digest starch,hence u will get all the way blue colour when starch and amylase are mixing together .
2. at 20.c, the mixing solution(amylase and starch)
will change to yellow gradually after some time(approximately 20th minutes)
3. at 37.c , the mixing solution will immediately change to yellow.(our experiment show the positive result after 2 minutes),this is because 37.c is the optimum temperature for amylase activity)
4. at 50.c,the mixing solution will become yellow,then blue after approximately 37 minutes,this showing amylase is denatured.
5. at 60.c,the enzyme amylase denatured immediately,you will get blue colour all the way.

Second day

susan: shh~~.....

yih kang: watch and see(we are science student,we should be curious about this)

well,quite a long didn't update my blog ady.
in fact,i am quite indolent to do so too,hehe.prefer to go facebook now.
coz you can receive more responds there.
however,there are still something that i will not post on facebook.
actually,there is nothing special event happened recently.i have create a new quiz,"how well did you know about Shuh Hong?" at facebook,
you can go here for the test.
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