November 28, 2023

26 Nov 23 :第一次当上佛学班老师 The first time being a Dharma teacher

 I have to archive this before it is too late. 

My Sunday is well spent. I mean my every day is well spent. but this Sunday is extra special because my wish to be a dharma teacher finally fulfilled! 我想当一个佛学班老师, 然后我的愿成真了! 

谢谢YC 促成这次的缘分。 因为他在SABS 上班。 本来想叫我当翻译, 我拒绝了, 然后我表示我想要当佛学班老师, 他本来进office 给我介绍里面的他的team member 然后我就遇见了美菱老师。是不是很神奇?

之前没有主动去找佛教会当佛学班老师因为其实自己也是有点懒。 想到星期日有时间可以陪家人, 就不了了之了。 

后来就因为YC 的邀约翻译, 就误打误撞我申请当佛学班老师了, 😃😃😃😃


1. 我去到SABS门口, 丽莉老师一开始就告诉我, 这里的佛学班老师都是义务的, 但是还是需要一定的Commitment , 几时使命感。 接下来她讲的第二句话, 我听了蛮感动。 

“我们这里的宗旨就是想要在孩子们的心中种下一颗善的幼苗。。。。一颗学佛的幼苗” , 我听了后的第一感觉时间就是我去的佛学班很成功! (就在这时候, 听到这句话, 就好像点醒我, 有点找到初心的感觉)

2. 我的愿成真了, 当上佛学班老师, 而且我把我小老师的角色扮演好, 所以投入感, 参与感很强。 

3. 因为很投入, 然后再这过程中找到当初小时上佛学班的那份感觉。 不知道怎么形容那个感觉, 不是感动, 也不是开心, 应该是叫初心。 

所以, 在这里我要谢谢

1. YC - 开启了这个缘分! 

2. 美菱老师 

3. 丽莉老师

4. 艳玲老师

早课 :我很喜欢共修的感觉。 

燕玲老师很用心的讲解当天的主题:菩萨 boddhisattva 

听她分享, 我学到很多一些故事, 蛮精彩的。 三个观音的故事
1. 鱼篮观音 ( 马郎妇观音)的故事
2. 游戏观音 - 买找心镜子
3. 我忘记了, 呵呵

我好喜欢燕玲老师的心态、精神。 就是一种不认圣教衰, 不忍众生苦的情操。 


During the post mortem after lesson. 

1. I suggested that since we were overtime by 7 mins, maybe we can cut the 3 stories into 2. Then I learnt that it is normal to over time. Because the most important thing is to be able to delivery what they want to deliver in only 2 weeks once lesson. Because things like students ask questions, waiting for them to settle down takes time. 

Hmm. now that Iam thinking back on this, actually teacher can also learn how to manage time without cutting down the content. It isn't easy, it takes effort esp when it comes to real active group class of primary kids. 

2. 十个人里面只要有一两个有专心听, 我们就愿意讲。 


之后我们还去参观了观音观, 里面有33尊观音。 每一尊因为不同的文化背景, 所以都有不同的化身。 照片看video . 

November 2, 2023

My baby was diagnosed with HFMD Nov 23


Situation at home: We look after her at home.  and she is mischievous as always! 

We totally didnt expect that. 

It seems like she fulfilled the symptoms of the Hand Foot & Mouth disease (HFMD)

First, she got high fever on the first day, Sun 

that's when we bought her to the nearest klinik.  

She was given paracetamol (for fever and pain relieve)

and the antibiotic 

Mon 30th Oct 

She still got fever. We sent her to daycare. She ate slowly. 

Tues , 31 Oct : Day 1 of no solid food 

Fever subside. but the red spots/blisters on her leg was increasing. 

The night on Tues was the worst. 

We almost woken up every 1-2 h by her anguished criedsss. 

She kept tossing and turning when she cried and she cried badly....that it was quite heartbreaking to see

It seems like her stomach was bloating. 

We suspected it was due to the antibiotic because it was written on the bottle that the side effect is stomach discomfort. 

at night, We decided not to send YX to daycare because she suffered a lot of pain.

We were quite grateful that her hand is free from red spots/blister. also Her fever subside after 3 days and she was getting active as usual. 

Wed, 1st Nov : Day 2 of no solid food 

She woke up with smile in the morning. As if the thunderstorm yesterday had finally passed. 

Of course, as parents, we were on happy to see that she was getting better. and we also felt so much reflieved that she was getting better . 

In the 7am ish morning , we showered her. THen Ws realised that her red spots on the both legs were getting more. Ws decided to take her to  child specialist, paediatrician. 

Intiailly our plan is to stop the antibiotic, but after seeing the paediatrician. 

The doc mentioned that HFMD could cause bloating stomach too.  

I was still working on that day morning. 

Both WS and me were consider WFH  

She was diagnosed with HFMD. Wah~~~ omg... what should I do ar? 

My mind: what does HFMD mean? is it serious? 

Since she need to stay quarantine at home, how do I adjust my working time ar? 

SInce then we took extra pity on her and more tender loving care for her. 

The night time: 

It was quite a peaceful night, she cried only twice the whole night. and woke up around 7.40am on the second day. 

Thurs, 2nd Nov : Several bread crumb and meatball 

She recovered quite fast, the red spots were still there. 

However, she was just as active as usual. 

Her cognition is getting better too 

TOwards the evening, after I came back from 7pm teaching,  

she called me Mami! 

she also shouted Ba Bi  

and long continous mumbled of very serious speech with fingers pointing at you!