March 10, 2014

Collaboration: Question and Answer session with Wen Xi, Fion, and Ivy!

First of all, lets have an applause for myself for I have editted the video for half day in between of Assignment rushing and mid-term. LOL, I can't be more flatter than this.

 There was a random day Wen Xi suddenly proposed the idea of Q&A from each of us.I was so tempted to join even though it means a lot of jobs. But blogger spirit ON!

Each of us (Wen Xi, Fion, Ivy and me) ask 5 questions to each another, and then we would answer it in video form!

I can write better than Speak. There were a lot of errors in my video. I already try my best to minimise it, but guess I have to practice more in the future so that I won't tongue-twisted, slip of tongue like this.

If you are able to watch this for more than 7 mins, I should thanks u!It....could be a little tedious...coz I felt so. Some more,  I think because I speak slowly. Now I understand why people in youtube always speak in lightning speed!

Let's see how my clique answer questions given to them.

my questions for them are
1. Crack a joke that bump into your mind right now.
2. What is the bravest that you've ever done?
3. What is the movie/drama that you've watched recently?
4. If you can have a superpower, what do you wish?
5. Who is your role moedel/aspiration/motivation to success?

SO here are video of them!Simply click their name to access to their blog and here is here to shown!


P/s: just finish watching all their videos. I got to see how a same question would make a different answer from each of them. It's fun actually, cause unlike the usual tag game, it's quite too conventional too scroll through the wordy part, even it means it's very interesting. Because video is more in motion, and you get to see the person more in  real life =D

Like I am quite excited whenever Fion shout out my name, cause I never see her. and We basically just know each other through this virtual screen. and this video make life so real.

So , I am really so thankful if you got to watch my video. Happy Wednesday!
March 9, 2014

Fashion haul

I am so freak out now, I just finished one assignment, and later have to continue another revision for Tuesday mid-term. Decided to vent my cranky by writing this fashion post before I forget the price, brand and all that related. I have yet to post about KL with Ivy Liew~~~~. I knew for sure that Ivy will considerate my situation, but I like to put on this hasttag.

#Imsofuckkingbusynow, I will try my best to update KL trips with Ivy whenever I can steal the time.For now, a short post will be appropriate for me.

Before I started, all the pics below were taken by my beloved Ivy. She is so pro and wise in fashion. With her , I pick up the clothes that I usually won't choose. However, those clothes actually look nice on me!

So Ivy is not only a pro photographer here, also my  fashion guru of the day!

Colourful maxi Dress  Rm 27.90
Mirrocle- Farenheit 88

 See! The maxi skirt that I usually won't bother to look at. Same pattern with the maxi dress below. Just a difference in colour. I bought the colourful one.I finally have a maxi dress le!!

 Also Rm27.90
also from Mirrocle- Farenheir 88

Actually both are equally nice lar, it took me quite sometime to decide which to buy also.

 Grey Crop Top  Rm 29.90
Rainbow Skirt Rm 19.90
from Kitschen-Farenheit 88

I fall in love in the first sight with the rainbow skirt.It was originally Rm59.90 after I scanned through the receipt. Quite proud of myself lar~~ hahaha.And then the crop top is also something that I never try. Ivy recommend to buy it since I am quite slender,hehehe =D

 Tribal print pants 
 circa Rm35-39
Kitschen- Farenheit 88 

I didn't buy this. Quite fond of the print actually. But it can be look like sleeping pyjamas if mismatch.So more, it's expensive ler~~~

 orangy red frock
circa Rm50-60
Kitschen- Farenheit 88 

I like this  flappy frock. Like more if it has petticoat inside. But the clothe is too thin. I told Ivy I plan to buy something formal yet elegant frock to attend my bf's convo in Oct. She said this is not formal enough. But I think it's okay lar~~ Didn't buy this in the end because the clothe is too delicate, and it's expensive and it make my upper body: lower body = 1:1. NO LIKE.

 What she did while I tried those clothes. I have so much to say about her. But let it be the next post where I will talk mainly about her, and KL trip with her.

 bustier top+ flappy chiffon skirt 
circa Rm75
Kitschen- Farenheit 88

I look nice in this photo but It isn't flatter me in real life. Both Ivy and I agreed to this. Who ask me so thin.....

 Yellow crop top  Rm25
Blue-white polka dot asymmetric dress  Rm79.90
Forever 21- Pavilion

I love the dress, it look effortlessly chic with anything.I will for sure buy the dress if I see this before CNY.And then the crop top is Rm5 cheaper than the Mirrocle!!

 Not-so-Gingham skirt Rm24.90
Mirrocle- Farenheit 88

Also I bought this.

 Thank you camera.

So, that's all for this post. Bye bye~~~~

Less cranky after writing this.=)