September 24, 2011

a trip to caring school -支持华小 part 2

after the Chin Kwang Wahyu school, we went to our next destination, SJK(C) Pei Yang. When we reached there, we were welcomed by 二十四节令鼓 of the school, omg, i was overwhelmed震撼, so impress by the way of welcoming us! Perhaps it seem normal to you, but for me, it is my first time to watch the 二十四节令鼓show in real life.

the photo of 24 drums is not showing here because i record the video of them, maybe will upload later or not uploading too.

after watching the 24drums,we were request to take a photo first.
After that, we about 35 people were divided into 2 groups.
mine group, we move to Gallery, frankly, this idea never came out in mind before,
i swear NEVER.

and do you sharing the same idea with me?

A government school has a gallery equipt with air-cond and decorated luxuriously, just like any museum you go for.

This is what we seen at the first moment we enter the gallery. OMG !!1 "....!!! just like when you enter a hotel, and the receptor welcoming you~~~

their school has little DJ like the first school we visited too

Be amazed by this little girl, she is only year 2, and she can speak eloquently.And she look pretty,right?

do u get the feel? when you are entering a 5 star, 6 star hotel.

another corner that showing off the Chinese traditional.They all are trained,theay were going to tell us the art of Chinese Tea!

Apart from Chinese traditional, the history show here too.

Read it yourself~~

love is in the way~~~
omg, i super hugs the uniform of the female from 50-60decades, why the school uniform today look lousy then 50-60 decades but our time had become more modern. I can't think about it even after so much brain-squeezing.Why?

look familiar??? you jsut seen her few seconds ago,rolled up to check it. Yea, she played another role again. So well-rounded.i guess her academic achievement will be above average too.

she was so focus when she played the music instrument, it is called杨琴(yang qin),this is the first time i know it.

visit office and the principal's office then. Her office is sooo luxurious.omg~~~not pic taken

teachers' office. The teacher there are allow to wear slacks! Wondering why mine can't...

their library,well ordinary, but have a cute,cheerful ,adorable corner, that decorated with bear,fluffy things just like what we seen in the first school.Personally, i prefer the library of the first school, coz their space is smaller, and look packed, and thus look like there were many books inside.

KOKshuh hong, you must がんばって!!!

its so lovely to me, coz i like to dance!

it was our 交流会section. This is to express our gratitude to the correspond school.

there were sooooo many things that i never think, like for example outdoor activites, may be bacause i compare this situation to mine time. When i was study ing primary last time, our outdoor activities are so limited. Cocuriculum only sport ,and i do not like to play any type of ball that time. Seriously, i can consider NERD that time, when i go through secondary, knowing the important of cocurikulum, i was like suddenly realize.

take it before the old building was going to be destroyed.

friendly them give us some friendly souvenir with sincere inside.^^

after the 交流会,we move to a restaurant which is owned by one of the school board director member there,apparently la~

We went to Oasis Bay,

the ambience was so nice and fluffy and romantic, even though it is only daylight.

Because we were eating in a place which surounded by white chiffon curtain, i think it is chiffon apparently, just like what you see in TV,hahaha.

and apparently again,

we ate the Spain cuisine.

OOps, forget to take those delicacies' photo.....
.nvr mind la, if you want to have a look,
why not going there directly??
no harm to peck it,right??

Went to a gift shop to buy souvenir before homeward^^

peace people^^



一路上,我们在巴士一直睡觉,一醒来的时候就是一直讲话。原来我也跟aunty他们打成一片。开始时, 我还以为去到那边一定会分派,老师跟老师一群,aunty跟aunty一群,老一辈的跟老一辈又另一群。真的很喜欢大家打成一片的感觉,不分彼此。让我没有尴尬,孤独的感觉。


1. 爱心妈妈吃饭的时候都很关照我, 有些食物试吃了,然后告诉我:“okay, 这个不是海鲜,你可以吃了”

2. 然后又一个爱心妈妈吃蜜瓜, 然后我想要试看,他就拿另外一块给我

3. 他们也很喜欢讲话,跟他们讲话的时候也很好笑,学到了很多人生大道理,跟他们讲话就好像跟朋友讲话一样, 没有分老一辈,年轻一辈(除了几个爱心妈妈的孩子外,我是最年轻的小大人了,hahaha)

4. 大家庭就是大家庭,吃饭时,有一个uncle要夹鱼给我, 就好象我吃饭时,我爸爸夾菜给我那样


这个是一路上的感言,现在我要发表的是学校,教育政策的意见。全马共有50所爱心学校,我校便是其中一个,我很高兴我能在这间学校执鞭,虽然和我当初所定下的我要回母校教书的想法有所出路,这所学校胜在不会让我有孤独感, 然后因为学生人数也比较少,所以学生当然也比较会尊重老师。不是因为考好试而教书,是因为教育而教书。

这次的行程,我很后悔我没有带到notebook,slideshow里有很多精华,各校的校长,家协成员们发表的金玉良言,我都有点忘记了。简单来说就是。。。什么团结力,lin聚力。。。之类的。反正第一句就是。。为华小奉献, 虽然我只为华小奉献很短的25天,我也有点不爽,因为真的很短, 可能这就是缘分吧~~

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