this time______i can go shopping!!!!!
i had not been shopping for looooooooooooooooooooong time le.
since today i had dental appoinment i go there about 8.00am.
the appoinment started 9.00am,but we were late to there,coz ayah bertolak lewat ,hahahaha
and then after tat,my sis,soo hui as shown in the pic,she want to go to eat ice-kacang,hahahaha
the story is like this de,
my parents are coming from teluk intan,then everytime HCNY,we will go there celebrate lo,then sure will "jalan-jalan,cari makan"de ma, the ice-kacang at vector is ..........yummy^^,hence we all like the food there.
and perhaps my sis can't resist to the tempting of ice-kacang,she kept asking my parents to eat ice-kacang....................
but kuantan.........................
where got ice-kacang o????
just air putih there have cendol only~~~
then my mom bring us to a shop,hahaha
i like the shop,the decoration,the feeling,it was all just....perfect and leisure and very suitable to become a place of yc,esp during the night,coz it is at the corner.and the table there is tiny type de,really appropriate for those close friends to chat^^
i ate an ice..... cost Rm4.90,erm....rather ex,but well,just like its ambience lo,hahahaha
what i wan to mention is that the ice is imported from taiwan de,note tat the ice not freeze from water only,but with fruit juice
at first,i wan to take the pic of the ice de,but then my hp empty battery le,so......(word also can describe one)
after tat,wen to EC mall.This time,felt more relax.
at first,thought can watch "Toy Story"de,but then the timing din allow us to see.So,jus window shooping only lo!
i found out tat,EC mall has ntg to play instead of cinema,kbox,then ntg else le.all the others need money de~~
when to Padini then.
trying 6 pieces of shown in the pix below~~~comments are welcome^^
jealous tat she has a big,还有幽深的eye.
she is quite sophisticated.elaboration.........
she say she wouldn't change a new watch before she found her favourite.
she wouldn't buy any handphone on her own before she went to korea,hahahami wonder how she live without hp during uni life XD
(but somehow,i think the dress look like my mum's sleep clothes,but i still instil to buy it,jus can't afford@@)
the original i wear de~`
this blouse also nice,but will i look a bit old???
i think this is better^^,change to S size then can le^^
tuition then,
go a ma'house fetch her to dinner together
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