April 21, 2023

产后看中医 2022 + Pospartum Journal Sept 2023

on 30th August , was told to admmited into the hospital after doctor consultation due to pre-eclamsia 

All the expectant mother would be sent to Level 3 Wad Bersalin  (which is like ICU and a lot of trainee doctors here, more than the nurses).  I dont like this level, because my handphone would be confiscated. 

My chill look before my handphone being taken away. 

Hello, my dear baby Yee Xuan! 

You are such a gorgeous and cute baby! 

YOu look so vulnerable, I feel like I want to hug you all the time! 

 Postpartum Day 3 & 4 -Husband went to Sifu (谷中鸣) for the naming of new born baby. We chose and decided the baby’s name on Day 4 if I am not not mistaken

Postpartum Day  -

1.      Finally transferred to the postnatal ward.

2.      First time latching – although I have like 50% knowledge about it. The nurse in the ward has roughly taught me.

Postpartum Day 6– Bring baby out for Jaundice checkout, suppose to go KK. We went to private clinic instead. 

Postpartum Day 7–

1.      First time breast pumping. My hands are so tired from holding the bottle for 30 mins. I ask my husband to buy a hands free breast pump bra on the second day.

2.      Husband went to JPN to settle baby’s sijil kelahiran (birth cert)


Postpartum Day 8 -  2nd of breast pumping. I feel so much happier with hands free breast pump bra. If you stay in KL , and don’t want to wait to buy online, as it takes days to reach, you can buy at SS2 babyland.



Postpartum Day 12 -  Massage (normally done it on day 10 )

Vhealth Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Centre  :Facebook 

Dr Di Von  




1 control BP - less salty food, then less carbo

2. 热气 - drink less red date, more 炒米茶

3.water retention- drink more water

4. 气色不是很好, 多休息

5. 宫缩- pump more milk




1. 还是一样热气- sleep more, avoid eating 热气的食物 (桨, 酒,麻油, red date )

2. High BP – less salt diet,  sleep more, drink more, rest more

3. 手心出汗 因为不会抱, 多学习抱baby

4. 嘴唇很干   - eat multivitamin , including vitamin C  

5. 手起水泡 – Low immune system or medicated chemical lotion , - eat multivitamin or vitamin C also


Vitamin C concentration

Guava > kiwi > orange


Action :

To get  multivitamin pils   


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