March 18, 2010




很多时候处女座要面对很多实际的琐事,这时的处女座便不得不在冷中面对周围世界:要么说话做事很不自然,有做作的痕迹;要么便极度冷漠和被动,对谁都不理不睬。其实处女座很清楚自己现在的样子,但他们无力改变和控制自己的情绪,只能选择疯狂地逃避一切。 他们想的是:与其很不自然地面对你,尴尬地和你说些无关痛痒地话,或是因和平时反差太大而被人说成表里不一,性格怪异,还不如先躲一阵子,等调节好了以后再出来。所以,在与人交往中,他们只会和不得不交流的人(实在躲不掉)或是完全陌生的人(反正无所谓)交谈,而和熟悉的朋友反而疏远。 所以.你在他心中地位越重,他躲得你越远。特别是恋人.






关于'单纯'处女座很纯真,但绝不单纯,他们内心复杂得让人难以想象,很多不经意的事可能都是他们精心布置的。处女座也总在纯洁和好色之间徘徊,这一点最难说清。不过他们真正的内心是极其善良的, 宁可自己苦也不愿伤害任何人,心灵如水晶一般晶莹剔透。









处女座希望别人了解自己,却又只将能公布的那一部分对外展示。 处女座是最有责任感的人了,可很多时候却害怕承担责任

resources from ah cheok's facebook note

edited,sth unnessssarry or difficult to understand is deleted,adding my opinion inside also.

March 13, 2010

the second and the last visit

this was my second time visit them and this was last time they came to here le.

seeing interaction between them,打情骂俏,搞暧昧,我心想,年轻真好!

March 12, 2010

drive kuantan-kemaman

just now i wanted to created a new blog at wretch,but the the blog member must be a yahoo member,so i sign into a taiwan yahoo member,the process of filling the information is consume a lot of time,and i try it a few times ady,finally,due to exhausted,i gave up.will try it the next time.

today is 13/10/2010

i driving from kemaman to kuantan alone.i bertolak at 2.10pm(i estimated,coz 1.30pmi just close my computer and start prepared),the journey to kuantan was quite smooth ,my father is check my car ady the day before and filling full tank of petroleum.when i nearly reached kuantan.....Ai ya~~~i get into wrong day,i shall turn left instead of going straight forward, i suddenly thinking of one od my friend,from dungun,last time he came to kuantan ,he also going the wrong way,but he finally reach kuantan,so i guess there will be a road turn into kuantan,after passing Semambu,i finally went into the road to kuantan...whoooh(松一口气了)

actually,i was quite enjoy driving to kuantan,i even forget i would be late to tuition.the feeling was like .....很想去facebook打"奔驰的感觉真爽"....this was my second time driving to kuantan,the first time is safer compared to this time,because this time i drove alone,and i drove during the peak time,(the first time i drove during the early morning,about 6.30pm like tat,fewer car),值得一提的是,途中,有一群牛要国过马路,我们的车都得停下来让路给牛,然后就在我要踩油门的那瞬间,一头baby牛冷不防地杀出来,它的鼻子应该有稍微地磨察到我车身,还好那头baby牛及时退后,有还好,my driving speed was just like turtle.

this is to kuantan.

the below description is from kuantan to kemaman.
walao~~~it was such a adrenalin consuming driving speed maintain at 110-120km/h at highway,i didn't expect to drive so fast,but i just don't wan tuck break to unsmooth the driving speed,i am using auto pl;us old car,so if i wan to be increse my speed suddenly,it is so hard.

and the feeling is very 没有安全感,it was dark(although all car has light),but i still felt unsecured,i was used to sitting in a driven car during the night,but perhaps this was the first time i drove during the night for such a long journey,so i was feel unsecured.when i was driving in the highway,i drive at right-side lane,and it was so dark tat i afraid i will crash with the 分界线of the road,plus my fast driving speed,it will become more horrible.Usually,i was so enjoyed listen to the song when i was driving in my car,but this time,i could obviously listen to the sound of engine,and then the voice of my sister and her friend chatting ,feel like so vexed.

God bless me,i returned home safely.Next time,i rather to back with HS them at 11pm than driving myself.

p/s:i forget to mention that,during my homewayward journey,a car driven behind mine is switch on his/her sport light,it was so bright and the light was perfectly reflect to my eye throught the wat wat mirror,i didn't dare to look at the mirro ,i just focus on wat in front of me,and sambil saya memandu,i was thinking:are you going to murder me???!!!doesn't you know that ur super bright sport light will affect my eyesight????you r so damn evil~~
March 5, 2010

永良: 我们相处的时间不到一年,所以要好好珍惜


那天(星期三),补玩习 ,喝茶,本来我也很想跟你们一起去公园谈天的,可是我答应我妈妈,11.30pm之前要回家,所以罗.....因为星期四也是没有读书嘛!如果谈天谈半个小时就不好玩,谈久久才好玩...erg...就酱

a SaTuR day~~

i rarely wear like hip hop style,here are them.hehe,any comment?
me and wc.我很憔悴哦~~(但是更憔悴的在后面)

act like a DJ~~
this wan is look like enjoy the music
susan is visitting patient,hahaha

i like me in this one.

ok,tats all for now.Long time no dance le,i really pity.......

just wan to show off

hehe,i draw this during chemistry test,paper 1,objektif.too lame,too boring,and dun noe answer the question ady .i use a ruler and a pencil to draw the circle instead of compasses.after dealing with the centre figure,i add on a lotus,so tat it won't be so empty,and more harmony.Imagine it was a pond, i add on a frog,i draw the face expression of human being in the highlight circle,then i realise OK,should add with some more words,then i add the word "ma"lastly",then i continue to do unsolve question.its really least it past ady....for ur information,my chemistry get C+,i forgot the mark ady

bio experiment

i was the driver,fetching all the bio students to BInjai there,here,i am waiting them to buy rope.
hehe,long time i didn't wear inner loreng le.worrying about the sunbath,i wear this,inner loreng is light and long sleeve,so my hand won't become black,thought it actually bad absord water.

don't hav wood,use line as quadrat,hehe

SEE,su guang!
last saturday,when to binjai there to do bio experiment,quadrat and lin transect.Here are some pics taken.
March 1, 2010

about those study thingy

just a few minutes ago,i told my mum tat i got 3.0 in my TOV.and then my parent kept praise me and encourage me.among those sentence,a sentence encourage me , enthuse me the most.they said: see,u r now not study really hard(30%),and u can get 3.0,then how about the result when u r study hard(the maximum hardworking degree of me is 70%,i won't study hard 100%,if i am using 100%,i won't fbing,blogging,msn,lepaking and become a genuine kaki study,mean读书仔,unless there is something stimulate me,perhaps i will pratice 100% in dancing la,but study 100%,hehehe,i dun want to be a kaki study la)

we are currently carry out many project
1. insect
3. soil
4. R&D

well, i din giv too much tension to myself,just chill out,coz its a team project.and...i serve them happy go lucky,hahaha.(Wei Han seem like giving to much pressure to herself le,she serve them too seriously,i think)But when doing the pratical today,i found out myself is just t good at those studying affair,when came into pratical,experiment,i was like.....blur blur,dun noe,just can't organise the procedure well.I also can't organise my idea well during the MUET speaking test.So,i don't want to become a student who is trained to study and get excel result in test but also workable when came to those pratical thingy.So,i must sacrifice time to do the experiment lo~~~

the project 1. and 2. need to be done after the holiday of march and the project 3. and 4. must handle by june.