March 8, 2025

Dhamma Earth Metta Camp for Pregnant Mother 2.0 _ 28/2/2025 _ Day 1


Yeap,  I went to join this meditation camp specifically for pregnant mother. The reason I joined is because there is a meditation camp for pregnant mother. and after I joined this camp,  i got a shock, there isn't 90% of sitting meditation like the retreat i went before. 

I kind of liking this metta camp. Aims to cultivate Metta in ourselves, in our family in our heart. 

As usual, it all started with introduction to Metta Camp by Sister Mei Yan, the.. main organiser or the chairman. 

至上尼师(Sayalay Uttara)来自吉隆坡法域。

大学时期,她因对佛法的 浓厚兴趣而积极参与各类佛学活动,并在接触禅修后,深受启发,感到找 到了心灵的归属与安宁。 

毕业后,至上尼师投身佛教事务工作,担任法工十余年,期间深入参与弘 法与寺庙日常事务。在此过程中,她对佛法有了更深的体悟,并萌发出出 家的愿望。

2010年,她舍弃俗世生活,决定出家,开始专注于修行。 出家后,至上尼师依止帕奥禅师及其弟子,专心修习止观禅法,致力于自 身禅修与佛法修为的精进。她不仅在修行中不断成长,也积极将禅修的智 慧传递给他人,帮助更多人寻得内心的宁静与智慧。

Sayalay Uttara is from Dhamma Earth, Kuala Lumpur. During her university years, she developed a deep interest in the Dhamma and actively participated in various Buddhist activities. 

After being introduced to meditation, she was profoundly inspired and felt that she had found a sense of spiritual belonging and inner peace. 

 After graduating, Sayalay Uttara dedicated herself to Buddhist work, serving as a Dhamma worker for over a decade. During this time, she was deeply involved in Dhamma propagation and the daily affairs of the monastery. Through these experiences, her understanding of the Dhamma deepened, and she developed the aspiration to ordain.

 In 2010, she renounced worldly life and became Sayalay, committing herself fully to the path of practice. After ordination, Sayalay Uttara trained under Pa-Auk Sayadaw and his disciples, diligently practicing Samatha and Vipassanā meditation.

 She focused on refining her meditation practice and deepening her understanding of the Dhamma. Alongside her own spiritual growth, she actively shares the wisdom of meditation, helping others find inner peace and wisdom.

与sayalay 一起讨论 how does baby has impacted the parents and how parents wish to nurture in them.

Sayalay Sudassi guided us in the sharing   t oo. 
Me seriously pondering and reflecting on the topic. 

I kind of seeing my belly in that black marathon t-shirt. 😍😍


======================= Lunch =====================

Sayalay Sudassi  带领我们一起正念用餐 

只可惜我一直玩手机 😂😂😂😂, 因为用手机做工。 
sister们准备的食物很用心, 很variety 叻, 跟月子餐差不多了,

其实是说比月子餐好也说的过去, 一些细节的东西, 如水果的type都超过一个了。 

and  there were 3 pregnant mothers including me. We were served this 很有爱心的delectable , 看得出很用心准备的午餐。 我真的很受宠若惊, 因为不但我不用自己去拿食物, 还有义工们端过来给我们, 太受宠诺惊了。 有一种何德何能, 要别人服侍我的感觉。 

吃完后也不用自己洗碗碟。 有点像在confinement center (月子中心) 因为刚生产后, 所以有人服侍的感觉。 

sister 们很用心的摆盘。。。太感动了。 

因为只有南传佛教 Theravada Tradition 才有

托钵 的culture, 所以在这里我们有供养给bhante  and sayalay的习惯。 这也是我过了好几年才有机会供养给南传法师。 

然后也很好奇平时Dhamma Earth 的人是怎么供养的(流程, 要顶礼,要贵吗? 有什么要注意的吗?)

难得有机会供养, 我也很38的去帮忙。 

对于有机会供养Sayalay , 当然要当人而不让。 

其实这里的法工sister们对每个人都很用心, 连糖水, 汤都serve好好。 

这位sister 特地在家里煮了一些面食, 然后特地拿过来这里供养法师。 
Sadhu sadhu sadhu 

过后三位Pregnant mother和他们的老公就一起在课堂上跟Sayalay Sudassi 一起用餐 😊😊😊


and the committees actually arranged time for us to get rest (sleep). I mean we literally have mattress, pillow and blanket to sleep for 45 mins like that after lunch time. Very chill i felt that I am coming for a vacation la, hahaahah.  

If I am at home, i still need to take care of my own meal,  doing household chores myself , looking after my daugter etc. 

=============Walking meditation ===========

Learning how to practise walking meditation and metta chant. 

=============Prepration for Tea break  ===========

Thank you to all the Sisters and brother to preparing this for us! Putting this image here cause i want to remember who they are! 

omg! see! the salad is so much better than Salad served anywhere else. Assortment of fruits and vege, rootbeer , with sour seasoning, and greek cheese. Yummy! 

March 7, 2025

2nd Pregnancy @2025

Week 19 

It was a working Monday. went to Sunway Pyramid alone to watch Ne Zha 2 


23/3/2025 - Sunday  

我第一带六年级的佛学课 : 正见与正思维

THen a day before: Drinking Glucose water (MGTT ) at week 19 

and also it's a moment that we waiting for.  My husband didnt get to join as he has some family matter and rush back to hometown.  I get to know the gender of my baby! 

Hello, my cutie  🐵🐵❤️❤️❤️

On a random day, fetching my daugther to school . and this was how she messed up my car. WIth all the crumbs on the car seat 😭😭😭
It's okay , you are still my love. 

You look like a boy here, Dont you? 

17/3/2025 - a great day to celebrate. First successful potty training... not so consistent yet. but will continue to train more! 

A normal weekend when my husband cook for us. Hearty and warm food. 

Week16 - The first obvious motion sensed 

 6th March 2025 - 16 weeks  6 days 

night time - around 11.15pm ?  

I was lying on the chair, fidgeting on phone and another hand on my belly (baby). Then I feel a strong movement from the belly! OMg, i am so happy! 

HI Baby! 你好吗? 

The beginning 

We discover it around...Dec 2024..i forgot which day also. forward to today.

Week 13  - Visit to my first confinement center 

 we paid visit to The senses, a confinement center which I patroned during my first delivery. It was a superb experience. 

Now , my first child is also 3 years old already.  

I feel that this is the right place for my confinement when i saw this.  There's a space for my husband and toys for kids. My daugther was occupied. Not feeling bored, and she can roam around freely. 

Because I wish not only Iwill get to enjoy the stay here. Even when i choose the room, I also try to accomodate the preference of my husband . so that he can come and stay with me more often. 

Went for ante-natal checkup . YX having fun time in the play room. 

Week 13  - My daughter's annual concert  

I purposely cancel all my job to attend this concert here. How can I miss the moment of my daugther performing. She looks so cute with the hair band tied on it! 

Week 12  - My daugther first time seeing lion dance in real life

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then on the next day, Sunday .  dining with my parents.