September 23, 2024

If I die...

 I guess as people aged, we would start to think about how to let the people we care get to have the most ... of everything (love, material, asset, precious posession, precious memory)... even after we die. 

So here I would like to talk about the way I would like to be celebrated when I die. 

I mean... 

We celebrate birthday

We celebrate annual new years

We celebrate every traditional festival because these make us feel that we are living alive. 

of course...there is always 

an ending

a full stop to a life. Dont you agree?  

so of course

I celebrate my death too. 💗💗

I celebrate the ending of my life. 💗💗

I am not afraid of death provided that I have truly live with no regret. 

By saying living with no regret what I mean is....

1. I have living my life to the fullest

2. spend precious time with people whom I care 

3. Ticked all my bucket list 

4. Plan for my after life (funeral, will )

I mean it. Please do the funeral,  and mourning in a way I like, eventhough i cant or I may see it. Okay.  

Some background about my idea before I proceed. 

I love things that dont harm the Earth.

Although right now, I still cannot live 100%  without using plastic

Although I am still using one-time diaper for my baby


I still use one-time sanitary pad for period.  

but I would love to try my best to do anything I can not to harm the Earth, pollute the Earth.  


When I die, i can to be buried in the most natural way, naked body without coffin. 

"Coffin  made from either metal or wood will take an average of 50 or more years to decompose underground."

I like the fact that I am borned as a human, a homo sapient, the most intelligent species of all at the time of writing.  Some times, we were too cultured, too educated... until I forget that I am actually part of the member of ecosystem. 

FYI, I am also a biology teacher....That day, I was teaching my student about intruder species in New Zealand. Here are some of the brief background....

New Zealand remains pristine, beyond human touch for 700 years.  Until the arrival of human,  we introduce rabbit, stoat,  cow and other invasive species to the land of New Zealand. I then asked my students to list down the example of invasive species....then at one point... my student listed down ..human.... which is an answer that never cross my mind (maybe i was too mould into the traditional way of teaching), but indeed he was right, and it struck me for some time.All the invasive species wouldn't be there without the arrival of human, to feed human's benefit. 

I wish that I can contribute to the ecosystem by not harming them. 

So why la....

when I die, still need to sleep in expansive coffin that take 50 years or more to decompose, i

I would love my body to be decomposed,  and the nutrients all go back to soil. and go back to the nutrient cycle....or maybe a part of fossil fuel... 

I mean I have lived my life eating a lot of meat....or the carcass of many animal.... so i really wish that my body can contribute back to the ecosystem. Instead of sleeping in the coffin died ler also no value... (can cost zero harm when die). 

FUNERAL  (can skip also if really need to have coffin)

I dont want a traditional Chinese funeral that has a lot of burning incense paper.... that make the funeral full of smoke... aiyor... like kitchen ke? 

I would love to have a simple Buddhist funeral rites  mainly include chanting sutras, praying to the Buddha, reciting mantras, ceremonial rites, food offering, smoke offering (dont want smoke offering too). 

Funeral, in my opinion is not for me.... 

It is for people who care about me

Who wish to bid a proper farewell for the one more last time, even after dying. 

I had a very close friend of mine, we dont frequently contact each other, but it actually sadden me a lot knowing that he died so suddenly. Of couse i wish that i can pay respect to him and attending his funeral.  But I didnt attend his mourning ceremony in the end. and It really feel like something is lacking. I never got to bid a proper goodbye to him. Even until now, I wish that I go to his tomb and say hi to him when i go back to my hometown.  

so that's it so this post here... in short

Funeral do it the normal way.

The disposal of  body : Do it the natural way, buried naked body into the soil just like any other animal. If really cannot escape the  customary/cultural part.....then burn me into ashes la . 


in the case, must really put the body into coffin during the funeral....then skip the funeral also..... I mean I am sure people who care about me... will remember me in their memory and continue to live their live to the fullest.  

OR funeral at the place of buried , a simple 2 hour mourning session with my body buried in the ground . I think the last method is quite practical also. 


Buried naked body without coffin for faster decomposition. Can have a tomb if got people really want to come and pray and pay respect. 

Update: I talked about this idea to my mom just now.  She thinks that this is inappropriate because all the after-death ceremony...basically just a ceremony done for living people around us. So no matter how , still need to wear clothes, so that people who visit us, will see us die in peace. Die in a proper way. 

If opt for burial , then choose the cheapest coffin that can burn easily. 

For me...i have some idea... how about  just wrap me in a biodegrable clothe and sent for cremation instead of put me into coffin?